Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sock Monster & USB Cables

Once upon a time people wonder where their socks disappear to. As funny as it may sound, it is very true that socks just get lost in laundry. Way back when when I was still naive and impressionable, I thought there's an explanation for this. I was using the public washer/dryer at the time, so of course the most sensible explanation was: one or two probably got stuck to the side of the washer or dryer and was missed. Now that I have my own washer and dryer, this strange, inexplicable phenomena continues. This has to go up there along with chicken first or egg first, it's not meant to be answered.

If only socks are the only things I manage to lose.... then there's my nail clippers. Yes, you heard me right, nail clippers. I somehow manage to lose those also. They are so cheap I just keep buying them, one time when I moved I found 7 pairs, which also spontaneously disappeared. I have since bought 3 more... but now there's still only 2 floating around somewhere in the house. Aliens, perhaps?

Followed closely after that mystery is the USB cables.... USB cables for the ipod, micro USB for the cell phones... first, it's almost impossible to not buy extras nowadays. Who doesn't need one at home, one at work, one in the car, and preferrably one in your purse, if you are a woman (or a man purse, we don't discriminate). I thought I had enough but now a few had gone missing also. ;__; Finally got fed up and bought a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH (bundle of 5 for the ipod and 3 micro for the cell phone), on eBay. Let's hope these will last a while.

Next on the shopping list: a gazillion USB extension cables. Thank God for eBay. :) :) :)

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