About This Blog

Wow, if you actually ventured to this page, I don't know what to say. I don't even know who reads my blog, let alone curios enough to click on "About"... you must be very bored.

I have been blogging on and off for six or seven years now. "You lied," you said, "This blog was started October 2011!" Yup, yup, you got me. I said I have been blogging, not necessarily this particular blog. My first and longest blog I started in San Diego, when I spent at least 20 minutes a day creating entries -- some days I have to begged the husband to give me some quiet time so I can blog. That all changed when I moved to the bay area, when I got this job with this god awful company, then all I ever wanted to write about are evil coworkers 1, 2, and 3 and it would not have been as funny as Dilbert. To prevent my bitterness from seeping into my blog, I had to stop. Then on and off I started a few blogs over the years and never was able to again blog religiously (hah!) like I did. Then with the advent of Facebook and I accidentally joined with my real email address/alias and my real name, now I had to give up that alias too to continue to remain anonymous when I write. *sighs* The sadness of living in the internet age.

Talking about digression. When I started blogging I wrote this tip that to attract loyal readers, your blog has to have a theme. Well, if there's one thing I can say about all my blogs, it's that none of them have one theme. I don't have that much to say on one subject nor do I have that kind of stamina to write about one subject daily, probably why my blog will never be published (I guess there is always Amazon self-publishing :).

So, I will try to keep it to a few subjects -- 1) movies that I watched, because why would anyone go to websites like Amazon, or Netflix, or Blockbuster, or IMDB, when you can come here and read about MY opinion, right? 2) cute stuff (affectionately named "junk" by my loving husband) that I want or bought; 3) softball, because it is my passion although I suck at it (I am not delusional), 4) relationships (dating) - one of the few things I feel qualify to comment on; and 5) pretty much anything else that crosses my mind. So 5 really sums up the other 3 points. :)

If you have read all the way here, you have fully earned my respect.
